Monday, September 27, 2010


स्वर्ण ज्योतिका रश्मि तिम्रो, मेरो मगजमा सुस्त झरे
मनका फुस्रा कक्षहरु, दिव्य रविको स्पर्शले
ज्ञानको अलौकिक घर्षणको ज्योर्तिमय प्रतिउत्तर बने
एक शान्त उज्ज्वलता एक शिखा प्रकाशमय
स्वर्णिम लालिमा, मेरो कण्ठस्थलमा झर्यो
मेरा सम्पुर्ण उद्गार बने दिव्य रागिणी।
मेरो एक्लो गुञ्जन, तिम्रो जय उद्घोष बन्यो
मदमस्त भए शब्द,पिई अमर सारा—तरङ्गिनी
स्वर्णिम ज्योत्स्ना मेरो हृदयमा झ¥यो
लिई यो जीवनमा तिम्रो अनन्त नित्यताको प्रहार।
यो देह कसरी तिम्रो पवित्र भवन बन्यो,
झुके तिमीतिर कसरी महत्वकाङ्क्षा अपार
स्वर्ण ध्युतिको प्रभा मेरा पदमा झ¥यो
मेरो छाती अब तिम्रै क्रीडास्थल औ व्यास बन्यो।

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

मन्द मुस्कानको रहस्य

मन्द मुस्कानले खिच्नसकुँला
मौन हृदयको प्यार
एक खित्काले जित्न सकुँला
अन्तरमनको संसार

हाँसो भित्र छ तत्व बिलुप्त
क्षणभरको हो आसुँ
प्रिय मलाई लाग्दछ मुस्कान
चिर दिनको हो हाँसो ।

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Defining Love at Teen

Love is a kindness to each other,
But every one misuses it rather,
Love, if applied in correct sense
Its advantage will be dense..

Love can break human's heart
Common to all youths of earth,
Love relieves each others grief
Though it is expressed in brief.

Youth's love is greatest of all
It's simple effect is warm tear-fall
Love can refresh each others mind
For there is some reason behind.

Love can make the life bright,
Even it can cause serious fight,
Love sometimes applied in vain
In such cases nothing is gained.

Love beseeches almost every one
But is applicable to special one
Love when functions in right way
It can convert a night into a day.

A Journey with Struggle

When he was a cradling creature,
He mused none of obscured future
As he grew up the bamboo aright,
Days winged like the summer's night.

None knows what awaits man in morrow.
As a brook,ignorant of course it follow,
Sometimes feels like crying aloud,
And sometimes , dreams of owing a shroud.

Life abounds in blues and blacks,
As in seashore, does suffer the sand,
Now in waves and now in sun;
So awaits the breath, bliss and burns.

In spring do flowers bloom and decay
Man's life so blooms and fades a day,
All hands of fate , the destiny unknown
Strange fortune when counsel it announce.

Row abounds corners and nook,
For future light, rather man dooms
The forbidding interior tells annals none,
Of what but men have within, unknown.

Life rows as sails in ocean's unbound
In hurricanes loss, so do our thought.
In pursuance of some natural good,
It discards roses, bliss or food.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

सुन्य सुन्य यो खिन्न रात्रीमा
ब्युझी रहेछु एक्लै
तिम्रो मेरो संसार अघिको
सम्झी रहेछु बेग्लै

मेरो प्रथम त्यो प्रणयको
परिचय झुठो होइन
यौबन सित जिस्की रहेछु
अभिनय साँचो होइन