Monday, October 19, 2009

शिक्षामा धर्मलुट गर्दैछ वानेश्वरको मलाई नबिर्सिउँ बालगृह

आफू जन्मे हुर्केको घर जस्तोसुकै भएपनि स्वर्गतुल्य हुन्छ भन्ने कुरामा कसैको बिमति नहोला । आफू जन्मेहुर्केको घरमा सबै कुराको उपलब्धि हुन्छ भन्ने पुरानो विश्वास अझैपनि धेरैजसो नेपालीमा कायमै छ । ऐश,आराम, माया, ममता, स्नेह, सुख, शान्ति, चाहिएको खाने, लाउने र हरेक आवश्यकताको समय र परिस्थिति अनुसार परिपूर्ति हुन्छ भनिन्छ । बालबालिकालाई राम्रो वा नराम्रो बनाउनमा बाआमाको नै बढी भूमिका रहन्छ । गरीब होस् वा धनी असल संस्कार पायो भने त्यो बच्चा साँचिकै विश्वेश्वरप्रसाद कोईरालाले भनेझै ठूलो नभएर असल बन्न पुग्दछ । सबैका बाआमाले साथ दिइरहन्छन् भन्ने प्रत्याभूति पनि त कसैले दिन सक्दैन । हो त्यसो भए बा आमाको छत्रछाँयामा बस्ने अवसर नपाउनेले चै के गर्ने - धनीमानी र सम्पन्न परिवारको भए कुनै खर्चिलो होस्टेलमा राखि दिए भै हाल्यो । होस्टेल संचालकले सबै जिम्मा लिने आश्वासन दिई हाल्छन् । टुहुरा, असहाय, द्वन्दपीडित र बाबुआमाको बिपन्नताका कारण एक्लिएका बालबालिकाका लागि त जिम्मेवारीपूवक हेरचाह गर्ने निकायको अभाव भएको लगभग सबैलाइ स्पष्ट छ । धेरै त्यो क्षेत्रमा काम गर्ने सरकारी एवं गैरसरकारी निकायले यो यथार्थतालाई स्वीकारीसकेको अवस्था छ । त्यसो भए तिनीहरु कहाँ बस्ने - कसले रेखदेख गर्ने - यस्ता धेरै प्रश्नहरु उठ्छ् । प्रश्न उठाउनेहरुको खाँचो छैन । हामी पनि त्यस्ता समूहबाट अछूतो नहौंला ।

यस्ता बालबालिकाका लागि भनेर खुलेका बालगृहहरु धेरै संख्यामा देशभर छरिएका छन् । यस्तै बालगृहमा बस्ने भन्ने सबैको सल्लाह हुन सक्छ । तर नेपालका अधिकांश बालगृहहरु धेरै व्यक्तिहरुका रकम संकलन गर्ने माध्यम बनेका छन् । असी प्रतिशत भन्दा बढी बालगृहहरुमा न्यूनतम् आवश्यकता पनि पूरा भएको छैन भन्ने कुरो त बिगतका धेरै सरकारी तथा गैरसरकारी प्रतिवेदनले देखाइसकेको छ । यस्तो हुँदाहुँदै पनि बालबालिकाहरु कुपोषणको शिकार भई त्यस्तै बालगृहमा बस्न बाध्य छन् । प्रतिवेदन, प्रतिज्ञा र प्रतिबद्धता यी तीन प्र ले सबै कुराको काम तमाम भएको घोषणा गरिहाल्छ । कार्यान्वयन र सम्बन्धित पक्षको उत्थान भने फाइलमा राम्रोसँग गुणस्तरीय कागतमा भै हाल्छ ।

नेपालमा अहिले बाबुआमाको प्रत्यक्ष निगरानी बिभिन्न कारणले हुन नपाएका बालबालिका धेरै मात्रामा छन् । बाबुआमाबाट टाढिनुका कारणहरुमध्ये बाबुआमा बिदेशमा बस्नु, जागिरको सरुवा भै रहनु, बाबुआमाबीचको सम्बन्ध नराम्रो हुनु, बाबुआमा बेपत्ता हुनु, बाबुआमाको अकालै मृत्यु हुनु आदि हुन् । घरमा बाबुआमा हुँदाहुँदै पनि आर्थिक विपन्नताका कारणले बालबालिकाले उचित सुविधाहरु भोग गर्न नपाउनु स्वभाविक नै मान्दा फरक पर्छ जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन । तर यस्तो बिपन्नताको फाइदा उठाइ पढाइ हुर्काइ गरिदिने निहुँमा शोषण गर्नु चै दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण हो । यो लेख विषेश गरेर वास्तवमा सहयोग चाहिने बालबालिका र त्यो आवश्यकतालाई परिपूर्ति गरिदिने संस्थाको सेरोफेरोमा केन्द्रित छ ।

बाबु आमाको माया स्नेह र ममता पायो भने कुनैपनि बालक क्रूर हुनबाट टाढा रहन्छ भन्ने कुरा बिभिन्न तथ्याङ्कले देखाएको छ । यस्ता धेरै अनुसन्धानका तथ्याङ्कले टुहुरो बालक अपबादको रुपमा मात्रै चारित्रिक रुपमा राम्रो भएको बताउँछ । यस्ता तथ्याङ्क बिपरीत धेरै बालबालिकाहरु सामुहिक रुपमा अनुशासित, भद्र, असल, ज्ञानी, चरित्रवान, समाजिक आदि गुणयुक्त भए भने के सबै छक्क नपर्लान् – बालगृह पनि आफू जन्मे हुर्केको घर भन्दा आनन्ददायी र असल हुन्छ भन्दा जो कोहिलेपनि सहजै स्वीकार्न अप्ठेरो मान्छ । तर यस्ता भयानक स्थितिका बाबजुद पनि मध्य बानेश्वरस्थित मलाई नबिर्सिउँ बालगृहका बालिकाहरु सौभाग्यशाली भएको मैले पाएँ । उनीहरुले जन्माउने आमा नभएपनि हुर्काउने असल आमा चै पाएका छन् ।

नेपाली बालबालिका धेरै मात्रामा द्वन्दको प्रभावले एक्लिन बाध्य भए । द्वन्दकै कारण दुख पाएका बालिकाहरु भेला पारेर मलाई नबिर्सिउँ बालगृहले अत्यन्त राम्रो सेवा दिई राखेको छ। यस्ता सराहनीय काम गर्ने सबैलाई प्रसंशा हर्दिकरुपमा नै गर्नुपर्दछ।

यसमा सबै भन्दा राम्रो पक्ष भनेको सरसफाइ । मलाई नबिर्सिउँ बालगृहले सरसफाइलाइ प्राथमिकताकासाथ स्थान दिएको छ । त्यँहा बस्ने हरेक बालिकालाई सरसफाइ जीवनको एउटा महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हो भन्ने छाप परिसकेको छ । म त्यँहा पुग्नासाथ चप्पलको मिलाएर राखेको ताँति देख्ता प्रेरित भई हालें । सोध्न मन लागेर एउटी बालिकालाई सोधें, "यो कसले मिलाएको ? उनको सरल उत्तर थियो, "हामीले"।

अझ उत्सुक भएर फेरि सोधें, "अनि कसले सिकाएको ?"

"आफैले, ममीले मिलाएको देखेर"।

त्यहाँ बस्ने सबै बालिकाले एकअर्कामा साइनो लगाएर बोल्दा रहेछन । उनीहरुका ममीहरु धेरै रहेछन् । उनीहरुलाइ आफूले जन्माएको बच्चा जस्तै गरेर व्यवहार गर्दा रहेछन् । त्याँहा बस्ने सबै भन्दा ठूली बालिका भनेको छ कक्षामा पढने रहिछन् । उनीलाई सबैले दिदी भनी पुकार्दा रहेछन् । दिदीले सबैलाई पढाउने देखि लिएर स्कुल लान ल्याउनसम्म सहयोग गर्दा आफैलाई सन्तुष्टि भएको कुरा व्यक्त गर्दा म त भावुक हुन पुगें । ती सबै बालिकालाई एउटै स्कुलमा पढाउँदा धेरै सजिलो भएको कुरा एउटी बालिकाकै मुखबाट सुन्न पाएँ ।

तिनीहरु कसरी त्यस्ता दार्शनिक कुरा गर्न सक्ने भए भन्ने कुराले उत्सुक भएर सबै कुराको जानकारी लिने जमर्को गरें । उनीहरुलाई समय समयमा भजन कीर्तनमा सामेल गराईंदो रहेछ । नियमित पूजा गर्नाले एउटा हौसलाको माहोल बन्दो रहेछ । सबै धूप जलाउन तम्सिँदा अभिभावकलाई कैले काहि झर्को लाग्नु पर्ने हो तर त्यस्तो अनुभव नै नहुने बरु रमाइलो लाग्ने गरेको एकजना सबै भन्दा पुरानो अभिभावकले बताउनु भयो । बालबालिकाको स्तरबाट यती छिट्टै अध्यात्मिकता तिरको आस्थाले उनीहरुलाई भित्रैदेखि बलियो बनाउन मद्दत गरेको मैले पाएँ । यी कुराले त मलाई धेरै प्रेरणा मिल्यो । उनीहरुको सामाजिक परिवारको वातावरणले नै सबै कुरो सिकाएको कुरा खुलस्त भयो । तिनीहरुको सामुहिक जन्मदिन मनाईंदो रहेछ । कुनैपनि बालिकाको अनुहारमा मुस्कुराहट नभएको पाउन धेरै गाह्रो थियो । तिनीहरुले सकेसम्म गल्ती नगर्ने प्रण गरेका रहेछन् । गल्ती कतै भै हाल्यो भनेपनि र्सार्बजनिकरुपमा गल्ती भएको स्वीकार गर्ने चलन रहेछ । ठूलाबाट गल्ती भएमा अभिभावकहरुले समेत् सबैले देख्नेगरी माफी मागिँदो रहेछ । समय र परिस्थिति अनुसार भरसक आत्मनिर्भर हुन् कोशिस गर्दा रहेछन् । कक्षा एकदेखि माथिका बच्चीहरुले आ-आफ्ना कपी, किताब, कलम आदि ठूला दिदीहरुको सहयोगमा जतन गर्ने गर्दा रहेछन् ।

घर, बाबाआमा आदि सबै बिर्सेर बसेका ती बालिकाहरुले आफ्नो आश्रमको हार्दिक प्रसंशा गर्दा त मैले एकछिन् विश्वासै गर्न सकिन् । तर पछि भित्रै पसेर अवलोकन गर्दा साँच्चिकै शान्त, सुसज्जित, सरल अनि ठूलो र परिवार भएको यथार्थ अनुभूति गर्न मैले पाएँ । आत्मसन्तुष्टि नै जीवनको सबै भन्दा आवश्यक र सफलताको उच्च बिन्दु रहेछ भन्ने कुराको आत्मज्ञान मलाइ भयो ।

भित्तामा टाँसिएका धेरै चित्रहरुले त मलाई मन्त्रमूग्ध नै बनाइ दियो । ती सिर्जना सबै बालिकाहरुले छुट्टीका दिन सदुपयोग गरेर बनाएका रहेछन् । समयको सदुपयोग असाध्य राम्ररी गर्दा रहेछन् ती बालिकाहरु । चित्रकला, गायन, नृत्य, साहित्यिक सृजना आदिमा ती बालिकाहरु अत्यन्त निपूर्ण भएको कारण भने त्यो पारिवारिक वातावरणनै रहेछ । एउटीले सृजना गर्न थाल्दा अर्किलाई पनि प्रेरणा मिलेर सबै आ-आफ्नो रुचि अनुसार नियमित सृजना गर्न समय दिँदा रहेछन् । स्कुलमा पनि ती बालिकाहरुको नतिजा अत्यन्त राम्रो भएको कुरा उनीहरुकी एकजना आमाले बताउनु भयो । ती बालिकाहरुले राम्रो पढ्ने वातावरण र सामुहिक शिक्षा पाएको हुनाले देशका असल नागरिक बन्ने निश्चित छ । ती बालिकाहरुको काम अत्यन्त अनुशरणीय छ । त्यहाँका ममी, दिदी, संचालक, दातृ निकाय सबैले शिक्षाको नाममा ठूलो मानवीय सेवा गरेर धर्मलुट गरेका छन् ।

Over elated euphoria: An Enigma for all

The present government’s ambitious budgeting has become a great conundrum for the government in particular and public in general where all the ruling parties have their own oxymoron for the so called ‘revolutionary economic progresses.
Overflow of emotions may lead to unknown destination. Ambitions basically come from the uncontrolled emotions that overflow from heart to mind in an instant of time. The present allocation of budget seems to be a euphoria that accumulates the emotions for creating vulgarity. The general public is now viewing the lascivious activity of the harbinger of revolutionary economy. People are doubtful whether the budget gives any fruition. Almost all the general public of Nepal now are praying for the successful implementation of all the elated ambitions of Maoist led government. The prayer is for not turning the lengthened budget into fiasco.
Among all the prayers, majority of them are students who are vital to all the organs of nation at present as well as in future. All the students of nation aspiring for the secured future in the country itself, are now ironically petrified by seeing the plans and policies of present government and are also intensified to follow to fly abroad to get secured future and skillful education.. They were expecting improvement in the traditional norms of education to have access with the global trends of skillful education within the nation, but the allocation of the 38.98 arab has not shown any signal of changing prevailing trends in the biggest university of the nation which produces most of the intellectuals and nation-builders. Finance minister’s budget allocation did not focus significantly for the improvement of Tribhuvan University. Therefore the education in Nepal will surely inherit the traditional system of education since the syllabus and curriculum designers are from the biggest university who have shown their implication of traditional and political education in their past contributions. This is so because the budget has not implied any change in the present day administration of Tribhuvan University.
It is normal case for the public to consider government fraud as they are habituated with the culture of betrayal .The expectations of the general public are slightly touched by the budget in principles but it has not done anything significant in practical. This can be testified by the several notices published by the concerned ministry requesting all the customers not to gather unnecessary stocks of LPG gas. This has become sarcastic as the customers have not got gas up to the necessities even after one month of the publication of notice. Present government will be laughed to scorn by the public if it does not make everything easily available even during the Dashain. The problem of LPG is important for the people living in cities where the people living in remote villages even do not even have the thing to boil. Such ambitious budget with increment of amount will not redress the grievances of people living hand to mouth in Kalikot at present whose bitter songs are unsung.
Kosi has become a curse to the nascent government with so much of enigma of arrival. In this context present government has simply talked and not done anything for eager public waiting helpful hands to come. People working and studying in capital are expecting some help to go across the perilous deluge. But government seems passive gawking at the issue. On the contrary, some transport associations of eastern regions are worried about it. Government can be audaciously blamed for draining the economy to Indian train service from hundreds of passengers going to Jhapa via India.
At the very outset of the governance, the ministers have started disparaging other ministers in public. This sort of belligerent nature is an upshot of incompetence. On the next day of the budget declaration the sky of Kathmandu valley became cloudy not because of nature but of discontentment of the people. This shows the skill of the present government in pursuing the general public. Public to all the political parties are only the groups belonging directly to the parties, other people belonging not to any political parties are undermined by the government as well as the parties. In this situation people are fearful that they might be completely discarded in every affair of the progress.
It is easy for the ministers to resign from the post after committing blunder simply to abscond from all the complex situations after earning plethora of their needs. There is no culture of impeachment of such responsible person. Prime minister does not seem sensitive as he is busy in visiting different nations with his wife. There seems to have hostility among the parties governing the nation with their so called ‘chastity’. We have ample examples to cite for this. Finance Minister’s delivery of words to Home Minister and their exchanges make everything crystal clear that they have some reservations with each other and the irony is they are themselves the topmost leaders of ruling parties. All these things aroused out of fiscal year’s budget declaration.
General public, on the other hand is divided into two categories: one belonging to political parties and the other belonging not to any of the political parties. People even belonging to the biggest ruling party are also partly not satisfied as they expected complete emancipation under the auspices of their government People belonging to other parties are conspiring themselves to bilk the government and fulfill their needs taking advantage of extended budget as they are adroit in bilking the government through different means. This is the condition of people belonging to different ruling parties. What might be the hidden expectation of public belonging to opposition parties? They must be surely happy because they can criticize the government for failures. The people of middle path might be thinking to align with some parties so that they gain something lucrative out of big budget.
Those innocent public who are paying taxes regularly for no reason are furious since the present budget speech has talked about tightening the tax payment system. This is so because the implementing authorities working in different offices themselves are not sure to be unadulterated. The people are habituated with paying some bribes for something which is totally illegal. It is rather easy for the people to pay bribes than to come time and again for the work which is not worthy of bus fare’s cost. This is illegally legalized because all the offices even in the capital city are following this trend. Is it possible to eliminate this if the same officials are there in the offices?
In a nutshell, the present government’s euphoria may fall into an unrecoverable downfall if not consciously modified in time. It has already started showing the symptoms of imbalance in every sector. It is better to be pragmatic rather than holding big discussions for unnecessary wastage of precious time. Formation of rules and regulations, is only limited to the files of offices and are not seen anywhere implemented. Proper implementation of laws by unadulterated officials having moral integrity in themselves may help mitigate national issues of bribery which are the major problems dwindling the nation to doomsday. If the financial sectors are sanctified with the help of pure and morally integrated people and monitored by other people above them, it is imminent that nation will get filtration within the period of constitution formation. All these implementations are directly or indirectly related to solutions of current problems faced by public.

Writing from Immortality

I was under a big pitch when the loud sound of firing was heard. It was somewhere around the month of October. I remember the day when my uncle was nearly shot. It was the time of Dashain festival. All the people were preparing for the grand Puja. People were decorating their houses and we were not exception. At this festive mood I along with my uncle and his son was hiding under a pitch to save our soul. It was for the sake of society we were saving our life, not for our sake. It was not only for the sake of society but also for the security of nation we were working for.

"Don’t sneeze the wild beasts may catch us". Uncle whispered in ear.
"How can I control? My blood is cold." I murmured
"Hunters are coming towards us, lie down"
"Let us die together uncle, we have no way out" I shouted
"Shut up!" uncle closed my mouth with his hands tightly.

At that time I had already started thinking about the life after death. I was not thinking about my life but about the tragic life that was to be experienced by the relatives in such an infernal place.

'Now we have been killed. We will not be able to take part in the drama we practiced. All our family members will be eagerly waiting for uncle to present his interesting experience as a social worker. But, unfortunately the news of our death will go off. Every one would cry not for our loss but for the fear of danger that might befall upon them. Who might put tika on the forehead of my sister Rekha? All will not enjoy. Everyone might mourn out death. All the people might be distracted from the celebration of Dashain. Villagers might start running from the village for safety. Some might be hiding like us in pitch made by the underground outfits.' I thought in depression.

The sounds of machine guns were approaching towards us. Somebody was guiding the wild people to kill us. WE knew this because those people had great inclination towards them.

"Come, come Suresh. Let's run. Enemies are reaching us". Uncle awakened Suresh
"Common" I added.
"You two run in front of me. I will be back to give you security. Even if I am shot I would fight and save you until I die" uncle whispered in a sympathetic tone.
"Okay uncle, let's run, be fast Suresh"
All of us came out of the pitch and started running in high speed. I ran at first, and then Suresh followed me. Uncle was running looking at the back whether the enemies were following. We ran along the bank of the river. By the time we reached there Suresh was already fatigued. He could not run any more. It was our compulsion to save him. It was also our duty to save ourselves. We were in dilemma either to leave him there or carry forward.

"Lets hide under water, I cannot run I am restless", Suresh expressed his sorrow.

There was palpitation in Suresh. Uncle reached and decided to carry him on his back. He carried him for an hour. By that time the sounds of bullet were heard in a short distance. Suddenly some big figures in combat dress were seen in a point blank range. They started firing towards us. We knew how to run in such a danger as we were habituated in our childhood to do so.
We ran in zigzag way. But in exchange of cross firing a sophisticated gun shot put its fiery hand on the back of my uncle who carrying Suresh. We were unfortunately fortunate because Suresh was hiding in front of his father's body when the gun was shot towards them. He was saved. Uncle was hardly speaking. Blood started oozing put of his body. We waited for help. Who would come in that inferno?
I simply started cursing the beasts who killed my uncle. They cursed in front. They were furious like tiger. How can a tiger leave deer in its mouth? I was also shot. Suresh was nervously sleeping. I had severe pain. I looked towards my uncle's body which had already become a corpse. All the wild beasts disappeared. I wanted Suresh to take revenge against the murderer. I wished his life. I would have told him not to spare the enemies if he was not slept. I wanted Suresh to be a reformer. I wished I and my uncle is remembered and declared as patriots. Then I was no more in this earth.

A excerpt about me from Jim and Jane's blogg during our stay with them at S Hostel

"All of our meals are enjoyed in the mess hall with the 40-odd boarders and the half-dozen teachers who also live at the school. It is quite a basic hall, a little like the one in M.A.S.H. As teachers, we just take a seat and are waited on while the students line up for their food. Although it is dal bhat every lunch and dinner, there is just enough variation in the curry and accompanying acchar (chutney-type side dish) to make meal-time something to look forward to.

At one such dinner, we are chatting with Laxmi, the hostel-in-charge. His job is to make sure the boys' hostel runs smoothly, the boys behave themselves and go to bed when they are supposed to. It's probably not the most brain-taxing job but it has long hours, from the time the boys wake up (around 6am) until lights out (around 10pm). Like most Nepalis, Laxmi has a great big smile and is always up for a chat.

So we're talking and Jane notices a scar on Laxmi's little finger. "What happened to your finger?" she asks innocently.

"It's a scar", he tells us, in this quaint Nepali fashion of stating the obvious, so we nod as if he is explaining some complicated concept.

"Right. I see. So, how did you get the scar?"

"Oh, I was kidnapped as a child", he says, matter-of-factly, as if he was just saying he cut it while slicing bread.


"Yes. I was kidnapped by terrorists. They made me carry heavy loads for many miles in the jungle in northeast India. One time when I couldn't walk any more, I stopped to sit down. The terrorists were angry and they sliced my finger. I was very lucky. Many people who get kidnapped are killed. Every year, fifty people die this way. I was kidnapped three times and each time I was returned. My aunt was killed by terrorists, very brutally."

We hadn't expected such a dramatic answer to such a simple question and we don't know if we should pry any more. Laxmi seems comfortable enough though, so I ask who the terrorists were.

"There are many terrorist groups in northeast India, maybe 50. They want their own country. They kidnap people to work for them and for ransom. Many times they take the ransom and then kill the person anyway." He looks at us with a big smile and repeats, "I was very lucky".
I guess it puts things in perspective. Working 16 hour days and rarely leaving the school grounds doesn't seem so bad when compared with lugging stuff around the jungle for violent separatists who might slice you up on a whim.

As I mentioned, the days go by quite quickly and, almost before we know it, our two months are up and it is time to go. A week before we go, the Principal invites us out for dinner to one of the nicer restaurants in the area. As we are getting used to, the food is piled up, course after course and we are stuffed by about half way through. During a pause in the conversation, the Principal looks us in the eye and tells us how much he has appreciated everything we've done. He then asks us to stay in Nepal and join him in running the school, as equal partners. It's flattering but not really something we can seriously consider, so we politely turn him down. His shoulders sink a little and the conversation is a little awkward thereafter."

Prominence on political parties is regressive nationalism

In constitution making processes many ups and downs are imminent .But all the people from different political parties are found to be taking advantage of turmoil persisting in the country. The turbulent forces extant in the nation are ironically trying to be regressive rather than progressive as they are all limited to their selfish schema .The different proposals for division of nation into different states are imminent but most of the suggestions are likely to be based on the auspices of a particular party and they are likely to be contradictory with each other and finally the important issues for integration of nation will probably be overshadowed.

In a nation like Nepal, there must be a governing body which can by hook or by crook execute the practical governmental system passed in papers. Maoists seemed to be having passion for bringing drastic and fundamental changes at the beginning, seem to be fading away at present due to ineptness of governing a nation in the over- ground. Now, at present for the Maoists, ruling a nation has become like an imbroglio. Almost all of their programs are contradictory with the other parties’ programs. No sooner had they come to power they declared themselves to be panacea for all kinds of upheavals but it turned out to be impasse.
At this crucial moment of nation building process, who will be able to settle down all these messy, helter-skelter and topsy-turvy admixtures if Maoists can’t? Other political parties they have been experienced and testified. Camaraderie among all is a must to bring completeness in ruling a nation of fluidity. Solidarity of all the adroit human resources from these many political parties will surely spread fragrance to other anti-national forces. It ultimately inspires them to be compatriots, if they are found to be fighting against nationality even after such inspiring coalescence; government should suppress them by using national forces.

Present trends of demanding something for a specific community, at the outset, is initiated by the Maoists. They made people of various ethnic groups realize the grievances and aroused consciousness among those groups for raising the voice against exploitation. This the very right thing they did as it was and still it is, but the way they enticed those minority groups is going to reach the stages of peripetia, anagnorisis and catastrophe respectively. This is nothing other than the characteristic of momentary and regressive nationalism emerging out of unhealthy political game.
As we all have witnessed the condition of nation and the mushrooming underground outfits. If the demands were not fulfilled most of groups would go for violent means and hence result in disasters. Whenever and wherever the leaders are in maladroit stage they go on disparaging the other ‘anti leader’ ultimately leading the matter into conflagration. Responsible leaders are always found to be one sided and are in a condition to collide with the other. All the leaders of all political parties claim to be responsible for bringing changes and establishing well furnished governance in the country, but unfortunately, none is found implementing their commitments.

If these procedures of forming commissions are only for the purpose of formalities, why don’t the experts sit in a five star hotel and copy and paste the former reports of Raymajhi Commission and other? All impractical things can be made practical searching through impossible possibilities. Instead of lingering in criticizing ‘anti matter’ which is only hypothetical, it is rather wise for all the nation builders to get involved in constructive and creative works. I wonder why the leaders do not learn lessons from their past mistakes. Many commitments are expressed but of no trustfulness. We need common goal for all the nation builders to fulfill the aspirations of our great patriots. All the common goals, at present, are only the goals of particular political parties in variance. No national goal or policy persists in this nation so far which is very shameful. There must be solidarity among the political parties in terms of dealing with international communities but it has rarely been common. It is really unknown to the non-political citizens whether they are citizens of Nepal as they don’t have any place for expressing their opinions or grievances. The platforms are made available by the parties or organizations either influenced by political parties or groups with biasness about some particular issues. Agenda of political parties or organizations might be in favor of national integration but if they are raised by other parties or organizations such topics are always transgressed into anti national agenda for the only reason of being raised by other than the present ruling party. Is it progressive nationalism? An intellectual citizen can easily make out the implicit meaning. Many progressive issues of Maoist are transfigured into regressive due to some polluted elements present in core of their organization. Other political parties are known by their past developments and the system of their governance. All the parties are not different parties for the nation they are common strength of nation at least at this hour of fluidity. They all should be together hand in hand and go ahead with progressive national agenda forgetting their selfish motive of gaining something for a particular party. They must be able to sacrifice something for the sake of nation coming above the level of party politics at least during this constitution making process. Let all the pessimistic feeling of the public vanish with the inspiring work of coalescing all the leaders of various political parties.

:: के बालशोषण घटेको छ ?

शनिबारको दिन म सधैभन्दा धेरै ढीलो उठेर आँखा मिच्तै छतमा चढछु अनि एउटा दृश्य देखेर एकटक्ले हेर्न थाल्छु । म अचम्मित हुन्छु, हातका रौं ठाडा हुन्छन्, अनुहार परिवर्तित हुन्छ, एकोहोरिन्छु, अनि बिस्तारै दुइ पाईला अघि सरेर त्यो अचम्मको दृश्यलाई आँखा नझिम्काई हेरिरहन्छु । त्यहाँ निमेषभरमै धेरै घटनाहरू अवलोकन गर्न पाउँछु । तर म दृश्यहरू अवलोकन गर्न पाउँदा पनि आन्नदित हुन सक्दिनँ । ती परिदृश्यहरूले मलाई आनन्दित बनाउनुको साटो बडो गम्भीर बनाएको थिया । अब सोच्नुहोस् त्यस्तो गम्भीर बनाउने दृश्य के होला ?

त्यो दृश्य थियो हाम्रो डेरादेखि पूर्वतिरको घरमा काम गर्न भनी राखिएको एउटा मैलो लुगा लगाएको रुन्चे अनुहारको बालक र छोटो कपाल भएकी अधबैंसे महिला बीचको दैनिक क्रियाकलापको । मेरो अडकलमा त्यो बालकको उमेर १०-१२ बर्षन्दा पक्कै धेरै होओइन । ऊ निरीह देखिन्छ । उसमा अन्तरनिहीत मूक इच्छा मेरा सामु फर्केर बोल्न चाहेको आभास मलाई सहजै हुन्छ । भारतीय लेखक मुल्कराज आनन्दद्वारा सृजित कूल्ली उपन्यासको पात्र मुन्नु जस्तै भएर उसका आकांक्षा चकनाचूर हुने कुरालाई कल्पिदा कल्पिदै म त त्यो एकांकी समाप्त भइन्जेलसम्म त्यही उभिरहेको रहेछु । अलि टाढा भएकोले आवाज मैले केही पनि सुन्न सकिन । केवल दृश्यलाई मात्र यहाँ प्रस्तुत गर्दैछु । नाटक सुरु हुँदा एउटा बालक कचौरामा केही बोकेर बाहिर आउँछ । बाहिर एउटा कुर्सीमा ढल्केर बसेकी आईमाइको छेउमा आएर उसले त्यो कचौरा बडो सावधानीपूर्वक त्यो अधबैंसे आईमाइको अगाडि राख्छ । सायद त्यो महिलाको मूड अफ थ्यो क्यार भयानक हाउभाउले त्यो कचौरा टिपेर उनले त्यो फुच्चेको टाउकोमा लक्षित गर्दै बजारिन् तर पवित्र भावको निरीह बालकलाई त्यो क्रुर आक्रमणले छुन सम्म छोएन । सायद बालकले कुरो नबुझेर गल्ती गरेको हुनुपछ । हतार हतार गरेर बालक फेरि भित्र पस्छ । एक मिनेट पछि ऊ एउटा झोलामा केही लिएर बाहिर निस्कन्छ । साहुनीले उसको हातबाट झोला तानेर खोतल्न थाल्छिन। उनले त्यो झोला नखोतल्दै भित्रबाट फूच्चेले ट्रेमा केही खानेकुरा लिएर आउँछ, अगाडि साहुनीलाई टक्र्žयाउँछ। अनि फेरि फटाफट भित्रपसेर एउटा पुरानो बाँटामा साग लिएर आउँछ अनि छेउमै राखिएको एउटा मुडामा बसेर केलाउन थाल्छ । फेरि साहुनीका कर्के आँखा त्यो बालक बसेको मुडातिर पुग्छन् उनले बाघलेझै झम्टेर हकार्दा बिचरा सिंहको अगाडि हरिण झैं हुन्छ, उसले मुडा छोडेर छतको पल्लो कुनामा बसेर साग केलाएको देखिन्छ । मुडा चै अरु कसैलाई बस्न राखिएको हुन सक्ने कुरा अनुमान लगाउन सकिन्छ ।

यो दृश्यले पक्कै पनि देशभरका सबै यस्ता बालबालिकाको प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छ जस्तो मलाई लाग्छ । अहिले नेपालमा बालबालिकाको जनसंख्या ५०.ं५ प्रतिशतको हाराहारीमा रहेका छन् । यसले के प्रष्ट हुन्छ भने भोलिका अधिकांश जनता असुरक्षित छन् । यो कुरा अहिलेको अनुमानित २० लाख ६० हजार बालमजदुरले प्रष्ट पार्छन् । २० लाख ६० हजारमध्ये आधि जसो त बाल्यकालमै अपाङ्ग हुन्छन् । रहेका सबै रोगी मजदुर पक्का छन् । यसको जिम्मा कसले लिने ?

कानुनी तवरमा त नेपालले धेरै बालअधिकार सम्बन्धि काम अगाडि बढाइसकेको छ । २० नोभेम्बर १९८९ मा संयुक्त राष्ट्रसङ्घ महासभाद्वारा पारित बालअधिकार सम्बन्धी महासन्धीमा सहमति जनाए पछाडि कति उलड्घन भए सही तथ्यांक भए बताउला । अन्तराट्रिय महासन्धिमा सहमति मात्रै होइन, १४ सेप्टेम्बर १९९० मा हस्ताक्षरसमेत गरिसकेको छ ।

यो महासन्धिमा उल्लेख गरिएअनुसार सबै सम्बन्धितले काम कारबाही अघिबढाउनु पर्ने हो तर यो सम्पूर्ण कुरा सिद्घान्तको घेराभित्र थुनिन बाध्य भएको छ । युरोपेली मुलुकहरुमा सिद्धान्त एवं व्यवहारमा लागू हुन थालेको बर्षौ भइसकेको छ । विदेशीहरु आएर हाम्रा बालबालिकाको संरक्षण गरिदिए भनेर मख्ख पर्नु जस्तो ठूलो ब्यङग्य के हुन्छ - सधै बालअधिकारको वारेमा बक्बक् गर्ने नेतृत्वहरुको खाँचो छैन । देशको सर्वोच्च संस्थामा बस्ने पनि बालअधिकारका कुरा बारम्बार उठाइ रहेका हुन्छन् । राष्टिय्र र अन्तराट्रिय गैरसरकारी संस्था धेरै संख्यामा बालबालिकाका हकहितका लागि काम गर्ने नाममा देशभरै फैलिएका छन् । ती संस्थाहरुले कतिको भरपर्दो काम गरेका छन् अनुसन्धनीय छ । सरकारले सक्रियरुपले अनुगमन र नियमन नगर्ने हो भने गम्भीर खतराको संकेत माथि उल्लेख गरिएजस्ता घटनाहरुले गर्छन् ।

नेपालमा पहिलो पटक २०६३ को अन्तरिम संविधानले भाग १ को धारा २२ मा पाचवटा उपधारा राखी बालअधिकारको मौलिक हक र अधिकारको बारेमा उल्लेख गरेको छ । यसै भागको धारा २२ को उपधारा ३ मा "शोषणजन्य कार्य कानुनद्वारा दण्डनीय हुनेछ र त्यस्तो व्यवहार गरिएको व्यक्तिलाई कानुनले निर्धारण गरे बमोजिम क्षतिपूर्ति दिइने छ" भनी उल्लेख गरिएता पनि अहिलेसम्म पाइएका दोषीहरुलाई उचित कारवाही गरेको पाइदैन । कारवाही कतै भइहाल्यो भने पनि पुलिस र प्रशासन मिली अलिकति आर्थिक कारोबारमा मिल्छ । कानुन निर्माताकै घरहरुमा धेरै बालबालिका शोषित भएको तथ्य यथेष्ट मात्रामा पाइन्छ ।दिनैपिच्छे अखबार पढ्यो; कतै न कतै बालबालिकाको शोषण भएको भेटिन्थ्यो । हिजोआज पहिलेको अनुपातमा पत्रपत्रिकामा बालशोषणका घटनाहरु कम देखिन्छन् । पत्रपत्रिकाहरु हिजोआज राजनैतिक विषयमा बढी केन्द्रित भएर होला उनीहरुले यी घटनाहरुलाई समेट्न नसकेका । यति चाँडो बालशोषण हुन कमी भएको त नहुनु पर्ने हो, किनभने सोचको परिवर्तन हुन समय लाग्छ सोचकै कारण बालबालिकाहरु शोषित हुने हुन् ।

बालशोषण सम्बन्धी अध्ययन धेरै भएर पनि तिनका प्रतिवेदनमा माकुराले अन्डा पारिसक्यो होला । ती प्रतिवेदनहरुले गौरी प्रधान मार्काका अध्ययनकर्ताहरुलाई त पक्कै फाइदा पुर्žयाएकै छ । कारण पैसा पच्यो, अर्को चोटि अध्ययन गर्ने रकम आँउदा त्यो प्रतिवेदनलाई कपी पेस्ट गरे भइहाल्छ, स्थलगत र वस्तुगत अध्ययनको सत्य तथ्य विवरण आउन निकै गाह्रो होला जस्तो मलाई लाग्छ । यी सबै कामहरु बिग्रिएको सरकारी अनुगमनको कमीले हो । हिजोआज स्थलगत अनुगमनभन्दा टेलिफोनिक अध्ययन र अनुगमनमा बढी विश्वास गरिन्छ भन्ने जनगुनासाहरु यत्रतत्र सुन्न खाँचो हुँदैन ।

हरेक बालबालिकालाई सचेत गर्राई उनीहरुलाई शोषणविरुद्ध जुध्न सिकाई भित्रैबाट बलियो बनाउनु आवश्यक छ । गैरसरकारी संस्थाहरुले पैसा पचाउने काम मात्र नभएर साच्चिकै काम गर्नुपर्ने भएको छ । बालबालिकाको उत्थानको निमित्त सरकारले छुट्याएको रकम उचित काममा लगाउन बाध्य गराउने संयन्त्र सरकारले तयार पार्नु पर्छ । यस्तो संयन्त्र बनाउदा व्यक्तिगत धर्म पालना गर्न सक्ने मानिसलाई दायित्व दिनुपर्छ । त्यसो भए अरुलाई पनि कानुनको कठघरामा ल्याउन सजिलो हुन्छ । अन्जानमा शोषण गर्नेलाई पनि सचेत गराउने काम सबै नागरिकको हो, हरेक नागरिकले दायित्व वोध गर्नु अति आवश्यक छ ।

Why no skilled manpower?

The eclectic combination of students, teachers, management and parents in an educational institution is tasted and weighed only by the one who has become at least three of the above components. Everyone in this conglomerate is found claiming his/her part of contribution whenever the students get accolade. The school management gives prominence to the expenditure and their investment of money in the school for different activities throughout the year. The parents give an account of their contribution of time, money and the tuition facility they provide, in spite of payment in the school. The teachers anticipate at least some oral appraisal for their contribution from the side of management and parents. The students simply follow the trends of their parents’ way of culturing. We may find superficial exchanges of congratulations to each other until the time of celebration frenzy. The goal of every member in this endeavor is claimed to be the same.
The culture of taking responsibility in schools has become a myth. The closure of schools for political reasons has victimized the children and the guardian, but the management and the concerned authorities are seldom found paying attention to the issues until the cases become extremely difficult to handle. Concerned authorities frequently exhibit their general characteristics of typical conservative and authoritative Nepali leader while the founders of schools are always found dedicated to their filthy lucre.

However we highlight about our own contribution, the bright success of a person lies in the psychological solidarity of the four components (parents, teachers, students and management) involve in an institution for the purpose of bringing up a child up to a successful position. But nobody is found to be the responsible person for the dismal condition of thousands of student produced by private schools.
Only some of the schools are exclusively serving for the pure transformation of the children into a skilled citizen who can contribute for the nation. This is testified by the huge number of educated and unemployed manpower in the doors of every school. The quantity is really encouraging; on the contrary, the quality of the students is questionable. The students will realize this tragedy when they reach in their mid-twenties, since they are shaped in such high scoring culture without deserving quality. We seldom find scientists or engineer or artists from Nepal rocking the world.. This happened as the education system and the socialization process is still pragmatically feeble.
Great Nepalese who have something to do in the global world are either the products of some other countries or they themselves are genius. Everyone can be pretty sure of the fact that the country is facing the scarcity of skilled manpower. Few skilled people are drained somewhere in European countries as they have realized that their motherland was/is unable to give anything except birth. Isn’t it the responsibility of the boarding schools to rejuvenate and realize their orthodoxy?
In case of teachers, they are never morally bound to take the responsibility in producing skilled manpower. We can claim out and out that most of the teachers initially are honest and try their level best to teach the students. But in course of time they realize that their contribution becomes worthless to the parents and managements. They get solace at least from the students sooner or later for which they continue in an institution till they get better opportunity. This trend, after all, has victimized the tender children and the future skilled manpower of the nation. The philosophy of the teachers generally does not match with the parents and management, but when the philosophies of all the members of a school match the quality goes higher.
When we talk about the parents, in most of the cases we find them mismatching the philosophy with the interest of their children. They always have the tendency of glorifying their children’s habits whether or not they are worthy. Parents who can give time to the children simply pamper hiding their children’s weaknesses to the teachers and school. They always go to the school and talk about worthless things. The parents who rarely visit the school accuse the school administration and teachers for the weaknesses of their children because of which the frustrated teacher may have high chance of having negative impression on the children. The management becomes dame care as the parents are not regular visitors. Parents spend less time with their children because of their business and become totally unaware of them. They try to motivate their children telling them about the money invested on them. When they hear unsatisfactory performance they simply pressurize the students to stay in hostel from the primary classes and expect all sorts of development and ultimately the children are ruined. The management does not know the predicaments of the students and goes on pressurizing the teachers and students for improvement. These trends continue till the students pass tenth standard with high marks in unfair way. Till then the students will be spoilt. Who is responsible for all these outcomes?
School management is always concerned about the income and expenditure of the institution and never becomes aware about the ground reality. When it becomes aware of it, it turns its angry eyes upon the teacher and even terminates the innocent scapegoats intensifying the troubles of the children. Wherever the management is equally involved in academic and administrative sectors, it seems quite satisfactory in the eyes of the parents and it has yield something.
In a place established for upliftment of many children’s mind should be totally far away from politics and the unnecessary conflicts. Only few teachers become dishonest, only few management committees turn out to be producer of skilled manpower, only some parents understand the real essence of their children’s interest and most of the teachers understand the predicaments of parents, weaknesses and merits of students, exploitation of the school founders and their own quality. The relation of a teacher seldom remains good with the management after the acquittal of his/her service. The realization of teachers’ contribution to the students starts after the exit and the student remember their honest teachers even after long span of time even though they are in dignified positions. Therefore the victimization of the children in the private schools of Kathmandu Valley cannot be compensated by anyone except the dedicated and skillful teachers. The only solution to enhancement of good education system is to promote and protect the experienced and skilled teacher.