Changes in environment have created a great trouble to the whole human race. These are not only personal problems but also social, economic and biological problems.
The pollution that has affected the different substances like air, water, land, etc, ultimately, has caused the deterioration in environment causing the great effect in decline of natural sources of water in the world. Because of this, there has been scarcity of water in main sectors like agriculture, industry and in production of energy. The rapid urbanization is one of the main problems of environmental degradation. Our small effort can be instrumental in bringing back the normal condition of environment. First and foremost thing we need to do is to become ourselves aware and make other people aware about this environmental degradation.
The centralization of administration and opportunity have gathered a thick population in cities, this has hence, increased the threat of pollution, residence, water sources, electricity and food. Therefore, people living in urban areas can minimize the problems by implementing the following steps:
• Lets cultivate the habit of saving food
• Lets minimize the use of traditional food items and develop the culture of consuming alternative food items
• Lets ride on environment friendly means of transport for protecting the environment
• Lets bear the responsibility of cleaning our surrounding on our own
• Lets participate in productive works utilizing our precious time
• Lets be active in collecting, managing and proper utilization of water resources
• Lets minimize the unnecessary use of electricity and increase the use of solar energy
• Lets protect the public places like parks and plant trees for greenery
Similarly, people living in rural areas can also contribute in protecting our environment.
If the people in rural areas follow the following steps they will be able to contribute in saving our environment.
• Lets not keep the cultivable land barren
• Lets give priority to the unseasonable fruits
• Lets opt the modern ways for developed and healthy food production
• Lets plant trees in open and public places for increasing greenery
• Lets increase the production of cash crops
• Lets increase the production use of herbal medicines
• Lets give emphasis to domestic and agricultural employments
Lets be conscious about world environmental change, population increase, food scarcity and economic problems.